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The broadcast is organized by University of Childhood Foundation.
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You are cordially invited to the first international symposium on cultural-historical psychology devoted to the topic of "Actual Problems of Cultural-historical Psychology". The event will be held on November 17–19, 2020, in Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University.
The aim of this year's event is to enlarge international connections between scientists who are interested in cultural-historical psychology.

Scientific Program is designed with the optimal mix and breadth of disciplines that might be interesting for different groups of researchers in human sciences as psychology, philosophy, methodology, sociology, culturology, language art and more.

The main areas of work of the symposium were discussed with Elena Evgenievna Kravtsova, the granddaughter of Lev Semenovich Vygotsky, who continued the family's contribution to the ideas and affairs of cultural-historical psychology. In her blessed memory, this symposium is being held.
Elena Evgenievna Kravtsova
Lev Semenovich Vygotsky
You are cordially invited to the first international symposium on cultural-historical psychology devoted to the topic of "Actual Problems of Cultural-historical Psychology". The event will be held on November 17-19, 2020, in Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University.

The aim of this year's event is to enlarge international connections between scientists who are interested in cultural-historical psychology.

Scientific Program is designed with the optimal mix and breadth of disciplines that might be interesting for different groups of researchers in human sciences as psychology, philosophy, methodology, sociology, culturology, language art and more.

The main areas of work of the symposium were discussed with Elena Evgenievna Kravtsova, the granddaughter of Lev Semenovich Vygotsky, who continued the family's contribution to the ideas and affairs of cultural-historical psychology. In her blessed memory, this symposium is being held.

According to L.S. Vygotsky's psychology throughout its history has been experiencing a systemic methodological crisis, breaking up again and again into opposing and confronting schools, research approaches. In the period of modern psychological science's experience of searching for new guidelines covering the methodology, subject and method of psychology, today we turn to cultural-historical psychology as a tradition that has stepped through time for almost a century.

L.S. Vygotsky had a vision of a new psychology as the science with the essential single subject and its own method. His ideas were developed in the works of his associates and followers as D.B. Elkonin, P.Y. Galperin, V.V. Davidov, E.E. Kravtsova, G.G. Kravtsov and others whose contribution lays in expanding, strengthening and deepening of the main principles and the fundamental concepts in cultural-historical psychology. Nowadays we are moving forward with that basis.

The new psychology, by the view of Vygotsky, explores analysis units of holistic psyche. In his work "Thinking and speech", in the article "Mental retardation problems" and in other works he allocated such units as age, personality, experience and other.
Continuing these researches is the aim of the modern psychology. Returning and retaining substitutions, displacements, appeared in different approaches, ideas of the personal development as the self-development by mastering your own psyche and behavior with the help of psychological tools, all of these are relevant in addressing the development of society, learning and education.

The main concept of the Cultural-historical Psychology is a personality, which is from Vygotsky's point of view makes the psychology alive science and makes unavailable to apply for natural science's methods of research. Further development of experimental-genetic (forming) methods of study depends on enlargement of methodological and methodical base of qualitative analytic methods in the psychology.

In the modern psychology of human development, we still do not have the completed picture of child's development according to main concepts of Vygotsky's cultural-historical theory. Some of characteristics of his theory tend to refinements and rethinking from the actual psychological data point of view. Fundamental concepts of cultural-historical psychology, which are caused of scientific discussions and furthermore theoretical and practical problems in psychology, are social situation of development, social interactions and learning, higher psychological processes, consciousness, meaning and significance, personality and its development, will and arbitrariness, fostering initiative and others. They have not lost their actuality nowadays.

Currently the social situation of development, in course of applying digital technology in education, learning, leads for new forms of relationships between actors of interaction. At the same time, it requires rethinking and emphasizing valuables in relation with digital environment for transform them in new conditions of development of higher psychic processes and educating subjectivity. Many scientists and specialists are connecting in interdisciplinary projects to search the new problems' solution and it becomes the most important task for human science, including the cultural-historical psychology.
Full information is presented:
Cultural-historical psychology — a look through time.
Problems of mastering cultural-historical experience in digital technologies of preschool, school and vocational education.
Cultural-historical psychology and ways of life in the information space.
Cultural-historical concept of the development of thinking and modern axiological risks caused by the digital environment.
Perspectives of cultural-historical psychology in the interaction of subjects with artificial intelligence.
Theory and practice of cultural-historical psychology in professional activities.
Foundations of career guidance and professional self-determination in cultural-historical psychology.
Personality in cultural-historical psychology and modern practices of personality development.
Cultural-historical psychology and personality development in preschool and school education.
Cultural-historical psychology about the essence and development of reflection.
Modern development of cultural-historical psychology in working with children with disabilities.
Cultural-historical psychology: "for" and "against" inclusion.
Modern practices of mastering the tools of semiotics: problems and solutions.
Development of the ideas of cultural-historical psychology about art in the modern conditions of human development.
Development of the ideas of cultural-historical psychology about psychological processes in modern conditions of preschool, school and vocational education.
The connection of cultural-historical psychology with modern natural-scientific research.
Modern social communications in the context of cultural-historical psychology.
Cultural-historical approach in the formation of management culture.
17 november
18 november
19 november
Opening 7.00*
Plenary session
Closing 15.40
Time *(+3 GMT)
Opening 7.00*
Plenary session
Closing 16.00
Dear Сolleagues, for your convenience, the broadcast will be repeated according to Pacific Standard Time (PST).The beginning of the live broadcast is 7.00, GMT + 3 (20.00 11-16-2020, PST)
The end of the live broadcast 16.00, GMT + 3 (05.00, PST)
The broadcast replay starts at 7.00, PST (18.00, GMT + 3)
End of broadcast replay 16.00, PST (03.00 18.11.2020, GMT + 3)
& (GMT -8)
7.00 — 7.05
Welcome speech
Gerasev Alexey Dmitrievich
Rector of Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Russia
7.05 — 7.15
Welcome speech
Glozman Zhanna Markovna
7.15 — 7.35
Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the UNESCO Chair "Cultural-Historical Psychology of Childhood", Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Moscow
Cultural-historical psychology — the science about freedom
Kudryavtsev Vladimir Tovievich
Doctor of Psychology, Professor
7.35 — 7.55
Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Neuropsychology, Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, Scientific Director of the Research Center for Children's Neuropsychology named after A.R. Luria, Moscow
Vygotsky and Luria. Miracle of co-creation
Glozman Zhanna Markovna
Doctor of Psychology, Professor
7.55 — 8.15
Ph.D., Faculty of Natural Sciences for Human Development; Autonomous University of Tlaxcala, Mexico; Puebla Institute of Neuropsychology and Psychopedagogy, A.C.; Member of IPAN and SLAN; Honorary Doctor of the National University of Peru (Huanuco)
Vygotsky's concept of the social situation of development and development assessment
Yulia Solovieva
Faculty of Natural Sciences for Human Development
8.15 — 8.35
Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the UNESCO Chair "Cultural-Historical Psychology of Childhood" of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University", Moscow
Psychological ways and approaches to the construction of scientific didactics
Kravtsov Gennady Grigorievich
Doctor of Psychology, Professor
8.35 — 8.55
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Director of the Union for Development of Science Cities, Academician
Elena Kravtsova's lessons. 25 years of friendly cooperation
Kuznetsov Mikhail Ivanovich
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Director of the Union for Development of Science Cities, Academician
8.55 — 9.05
Rybakova Ekaterina
president and founder of the Rybakov Foundation, founder of the Childhood University Foundation
The new reality of education as the developing situation
9.05 — 9.25
PhD in Psychology, PhD, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education, Monash University, Australia
Who needs Vygotsky nowadays?
Veresov Nikolay Nikolaevich
PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education
9.25 — 9.45
PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor, KAMSU named after V. Bering, Petropavlovsk - Kamchatsky
Dialogue between generations: cultural — historical approach
Naumova Valentina Alexandrovna
PhD in Psychology, Professor
7.15 — 7.35
Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head of the Creativity Diagnostics Group of the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education, Professor of the Department of Psychological Anthropology, Institute of Childhood, Moscow Pedagogical State University, Chairman of the Moscow Regional Branch of the Russian Psychological Society, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, MAPN, Honorary Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Honorary Professor of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow
Life as creativity: the vocation and feat of L.S. Vygotsky
Bogoyavlenskaya Diana Borisovna
Doctor of Psychology, Professor
10.05 — 11.00
Coffee break
Moderator — Joaquim Quintino Aires
11.00 — 11.20
Ph.D, Doctor of Psychology post-doc researcher Institute Salud Global Barcelona (Spain, Belarus)
Integrative personality model and the role of personality in the context of planetary health
Liudmila Liutsko
Doctor of Psychology, post-doc researcher Institute Salud Global Barcelona (Spain, Belarus)
11.20 — 11.40
Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Differential Psychology and Psychophysiology, PI RAO, Moscow
Differentiation without discrimination — zones of proximal development
Kabardov Mukhamed Kanshobievich
Doctor of Psychology, Professor
11.40 — 12.00
"L.S. Vygotsky in theoretical and practical psychiatry? — Neuroscience and clinical practice in answering this question
Joaquim Quintino Aires
Director of the Vygotsky Institute in Lisbon, Portugal
12.00 — 12.20
Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Head of the Center for Sociology of Education, Institute of Education Management, Russian Academy of Education, Moscow
Comments on theatrical reviews by L. S. Vygotsky
Sobkin Vladimir Samuilovich
Doctor of Psychology, Professor
12.20 — 12.40
Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty of Theory and History of Education, University of Salamanca, Spain
Identity formation in adolescence in the hyper-communication society. Problems of education
Jose Manuel Muñoz Rodriguez
Dean of the Faculty of Theory and History of Education, University of Salamanca, Spain.
12.40 — 13.00
Doctor of Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS, editor-in-chief of the humanitarian almanac "Chelovek.RU", Novosibirsk
Anthropological turn in the twentieth century and the place in it of Lev Vygotsky's project: Lessons and a Development Step
Smirnov Sergey Alevtinovich
Doctor of Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy and Law SB RAS
13.00 — 13.40
Coffee break
Moderator — Bolshunova Natalya Yakovlevna
13.40 — 14.00
Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Department of General Psychology and History of Psychology, Director of the Novosibirsk Branch of the RPO, Novosibirsk
L.S. Vygotsky on educational psychology as a psychology of culture: the organization of education in the forms of children's subculture
Bolshunova Natalya Yakovlevna
Doctor of Psychology, Professor
14.00 — 14.20
Cultural and historical ideas about the symbolic world of the preschooler
Carla Anauate
Ph.D, Director of the Center for the Unification of Neuropsychology and Psychology (CINAPSI) in Sao Paulo, Brazil
14.20 — 14.40
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Chief Geneticist of the Novosibirsk Region, Head of the Department of Medical Genetics and Biology, Novosibirsk State Medical University, Novosibirsk
Modern genetics on the problems of defectology in the light of L. S. Vygotsky's concept.
Maksimova Yulia Vladimirovna
Doctor of Medical Sciences
PhD of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Medical Genetics and Biology Novosibirsk State Medical University, Novosibirsk
Lisichenko Olga Vadimovna
PhD of Medical Sciences, Professor
Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Head of the Laboratory for Molecular Genetic Research of Therapeutic Diseases, Research Institute of Therapy and Preventive Medicine, Novosibirsk
Maximov Vladimir Nikolaevich
Doctor of Medicine, Professor
14.40 — 15.00
Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Нead of department of Anatomy, Physiology and Life Safety, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "NSPU", Novosibirsk
The problem of children's readiness to study at school from the standpoint of the cultural-historical theory of L.S. Vygotsky
Aizman Roman Idelevich
Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Biological Sciences
15.00 — 15.20
Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Faculty of Psychology of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Social University", Moscow
Personal development of students in the process of teaching mathematics at school: a cultural-historical approach
Kashirsky Dmitry Valerievich
Doctor of Psychology, Professor
15.20 — 15.40
Summing up the results of the plenary session
Glozman Zhanna Markovna
Opening 8.00*
Collective presentation, sections, evening lectures
Closing 17.00
Opening 8.00*
Collective presentation, sections, evening lectures
Closing 17.00
Time *(+3 GMT)
Dear Сolleagues, for your convenience, the broadcast will be repeated according to Pacific Standard Time (PST).
The beginning of the live broadcast is 8.00, GMT + 3 (21.00 11-17-2020, PST)
The end of the live broadcast 17.00, GMT + 3 (06.00, PST)
The broadcast replay starts at 8.00, PST (19.00, GMT + 3)
End of broadcast replay 17.00, PST (04.00 19.11.2020, GMT + 3)
& (GMT -8)
8.00 — 9.40
Collective video presentation. Renascence CHAT (Cultural-Historical Activity Theory) in response to calls of 21st century
Professor at the Department of Communications, University of California, San Diego, USA
Mike Cole
Professor at the Department of Communications, University of California, San Diego, USA
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Professional Development, Faculty of Education, Professor of the Faculty of Education, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Dr. Gajdamaschko Natalia
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Professional Development
Other participants to be confirmed
9.50 — 11.50
Section 5. Transformation of childhood in the context of digitalization
Head: Veraksa Alexander Nikolaevich
Ph.D., corresponding member of RAO
12.00 — 13.00
PhD in Psychology, PhD of philosophy, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Monash University, Australia
Vygotsky's legacy at the beginning of the 21st century: new discoveries and new questions
Veresov Nikolay Nikolaevich
PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education
13.00 — 16.00
Section 1. Cultural — historical psychology in Brazil
Carla Anauate
Ph.D, Director of the Center for the Unification of Neuropsychology and Psychology (CINAPSI) in Sao Paulo, Brazil
16.00 — 17.00
Vygotsky in modern cross-cultural psychology
Alfredo Ardila